

Plexsum Staffing Solutions, Inc. would appreciate your participation in our ongoing performance improvement program to obtain customer experience feedback and recommendations. Survey participation is voluntary, however; we hope you will participate and help us to drive meaningful improvements.


Please complete the following survey. Click the best response according to The 5-point Likert scale which consists of the below points:

(1) Strongly Disagree; (2) Disagree; (3) Neither Agree nor Disagree; (4) Agree; (5) Strongly Agree.
Our company is satisfied with the overall client services and interim staffing provided by Plexsum Staffing Solutions, Inc.(Required)
The client relationship manager is providing timely and effective communication to your team before, during and after assignments.(Required)
The Plexsum Staffing Solutions, Inc. credentialing team provides your company with a completed and accurate credentialing file in the preferred format or VMS of choice prior to the start of assignment and according to your company requirements?(Required)
Our company has been provided with the Plexsum Staffing Solutions, Inc. Client Handbook and understands how to communicate complaints, concerns, a worker injury, or a Sentinel Event to the Plexsum team and our team has On-Call contact information for Plexsum.(Required)

How well does Plexsum meet the following challenges in your facility?

Plexsum Staffing Solutions, Inc. would like you to rate the following:
1. Plexsum minimizes the turnover of interim staff at your facility.(Required)
2. Plexsum is responsive and minimizes Time to Fill new requests.(Required)
3. Plexsum is able to offer the healthcare specialty staff you needed in your company.(Required)

Additional Comments

Would you like a phone call to discuss any concerns or opportunities?(Required)
If yes, provide the name and contact information of the person we should reach out to.